Orphaned Chimpanzees Thrive In New Valencia Refuge

A pair of young chimpanzees who were introduced to their new home over two years are reported as doing well, showing a successful integration into their new environment in the man-made equatorial jungle of BIOPARC Valencia, located in Valencia.

The two chimpanzees, Djibril has just turned 21 months while little Coco is 30 months old.

The status of these subspecies is endangered, says a study on this particular ape species.

“Endangered in the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List, and with public statements to the effect that great apes as a whole will be extinct within a few decades” the study states.

Chimpanzee Eva, who never had a baby of her own, adopted little Djibril as if he were her son.

BIOPARC Valencia posted a video of the Chimpanzees bonding together on their official Twitter handle. Babies Djibril and Coco can be seen playfully climbing on top of the bigger chimpanzees.

“Today, the little Coco is an icon of commitment to the preservation of the planet’s biodiversity and of the commitment to animal welfare, not only of species at risk of extinction but of all animals that live with us,” it reads.

The BIOPARC Foundation and the Nandoumary Project of the Jane Goodall Institute in Senegal, continue to cooperate in managing to recover and conserve the natural habitat of the subspecies and the groups of chimpanzees that live there.