Sunbather On Roundabout Turns Out To Be Dead

A man who seemed to be sunbathing on a grassy bank in the middle of a roundabout was found to have been lying there dead for various days.

The man’s body was recovered by police in the neighbourhood of La Calzada in the city of Gijon in Spain’s north-western region of Asturias.

According to local newspaper El Comerio, the body was found on Saturday at around 6:00 p.m when authorities went to the scene after a local resident called to tell them she had observed ” the inert man on the grass of the El Arbeyal roundabout for “several days, where it was common to see people sunbathing.

The officers reportedly arrived on the scene and after checking the body, verified that the man had died some days before.

The forensic doctor and the scientific department of the police confirmed this and also found that the man suffered from a respiratory disease according to national newspaper ABC.

The man has not been identified, but according to ABC is around 60-years-old.

Reportedly, police confirmed that nobody had reported the man’s disappearance during the days when the body was on the roundabout and the authorities do not know if he had family in the city.

A resident told local newspaper Vocento: “I didn’t realise at all, and I usually look out the window every day.”

Another neighbour said that the tree in the roundabout prevented them from seeing the body in the days before the discovery.

A netizen with the username ‘711’ commented on the ABC article: “The dehumanisation of society. They have succeeded. As no one gets involved in other people’s business, well that’s that.”