Fascists Salute Dictator Franco On Anniversary
This is the moment “fascists” use the Nazi salute to honour Spanish dictator
Francisco Franco on the anniversary of his death.
The incident took place on Tuesday outside the Church of San Francisco de
Borja in the central Spanish capital Madrid.
Francisco Franco Bahamonde died on 20th November 1975 and a ceremony took
place in the church to honour the controversial dictator.
According to local media, the priest hailed Franco’s “sacrifice” during the
“restoration of Spain” as well as his “spiritual will”, while telling the
congregation: “We should defend ourselves like Franco would have wanted.”
Those present at the ceremony included Franco’s grandson Jaime Felipe
Martinez-Bordiu, and great-grandson Luis Alfonso de Borbon, as well as the
president of the Francisco Franco National Foundation, Juan Chicharro.
However, they refused to speak to the media about proposed plans by Spain’s
socialist government to exhume the fascist dictator’s body from the Valley
of the Fallen monument, which was built to honour the victims of the Spanish
Civil War.
At the end of the church ceremony, people gathered at the entrance to shout
nationalist slogans such as ‘Arriba Espana’ (‘Up Spain), ‘Gloria al
Salvador’ (‘Glory to the Saviour’), ‘Siempre Presente’ (‘Always with Us’)
and ‘Viva Hitler’ (‘Long Live Hitler’) while doing the Nazi salute.
Two women were among the crowd holding signs that said ‘Fuera Fascistas de
Nuestros Barrios’ (‘Fascists Go Away From Our Neighbourhoods’).
As seen in the footage, a Franco supporter snatches a sign out of the one
woman’s hands and rips it up.
Reports said that the women needed a police escort to leave the church area
Shortly afterwards, fascists – as termed by local media – confronted
journalists and sang the fascist hymn ‘Cara al Sol’ (‘Face to the Sun’).